Day One-Introduce, Recent Picture and Fifteen Interesting Facts
(as dictated by Xander, typed by mommy for speed and to limit frustration)
I am Xander. I am eight years old.
1. I like Star wars and Avatar the Last Airbender.
2. I went though some good things and some bad things.
3. Some people like me and some people don't.
4. Sometimes i'm a nice boy and sometimes I'm a bad boy.
5. I go to a lot of places.
6. Somebody being mean to me makes me unhappy.
7. When somebody makes a joke i am happy.
8. i am homeschooled (this one typed by xander)
9. My favorite thing to play with is lego.
10.I like being at my friend Naeem's house.
11.I like going to swim and gym and play dates with Alisdair.
12.Vampires, ghosts, crazy mazes, and lots of other terrible creatures scare me.
13.I feel terrible when i get dirty.
14.I feel terrible when something changes in my routine (ex: a different kind of pizza is offered than i usually have or it gets colder and I have to wear a different jacket) (typed into a sentence but that's what he said)
15.i tell people what i do (this one typed by xander)
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