Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday October 5th 2010

- Listened to an audio book of The Magic Treehouse #19 Tigers Before Twilight.
Described the story, in the car, to mommy. Described it in great detail without (apparently) the ability to summarize succinctly.

- Read avatar the last airbender (cite)
Participated in a book club (The Magic Treehouse #19 Tigers Before Twilight) with 7 other children (aged 3-10) (facilitated by an adult).
Stayed the whole time (~40 minutes)
Did not get upset at any time
Spoke briefly a few times; Mostly on topic.

- Participated in a “video game club” created by a peer (~1hr). Played ds games and talked about what they were doing and strategy. Went well. Only had a brief frustration (without anger or tantrum) where he felt others were too close to him.

- Played pretend play in the gym and outside (~2hrs): sword play / star wars.

- Listened, learned and discussed different parts of a math read aloud (cite) on “infinity”, “add”, “subtract”, “negative numbers”, “multiply”, “fraction” with mommy. (~30minutes)
Liked the concept of infinity: “it's forever!”
Discussed how to add basic fractions.
Discussed how multiplication works; adding groups
Had difficulty with “negative numbers” as he is very much in what is tangible. But liked that it was a special “math thing”. And was able to (with direct guidance) solve an oral problem which had a negative number as the result.

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