Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And Xander said "let there be light" ... And there was.

X chose electricity as his second science subject this year (cause one just isn't enough for X). The first is astronomy. We are using Intellego to help us in both subjects. They are very advanced and detailed unit studies so much so the astronomy one is for grades "K-2". We tried the 3-5 one but it went right over his (and my) head. It was speaking about light years and such so we decided to start with the first one that starts with the solar system.

The electricity one happens to be grades 3-5. I highly recommend Intellego. It is amazing to me how detailed, yet interesting and accessible the information is. It blows me away the things he is learning at 10. Lots of information, multimedia, experiments and online games to keep his (and my) attention.

One section has been on electrical circuits. He is studying electrical circuits including the symbolic representations of them (something I remember from grade 11 physics although I could be wrong it was def high school) and then put together an electrical circuit he made himself. I was just as proud as I am sure Edison's mommy was when a light bulb lit up for the first time. To be honest I was so shocked when it actually worked. He worked hard at it. He had some failures and kept at it even though I could see he was getting frustrated. I was so proud of him!

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